Ten miles east of Lake City in Olustee, the Public Safety Training Center at Florida Gateway College is a hidden gem in North Florida. Every day, students begin at 7AM with physical training, followed by a full day of classroom and hands on training. Today, the center hosted a local homeschool group to introduce the students to law enforcement, fire and EMT training. We learned public safety is serious business, and we appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into training our first responders. We were also solemnly reminded that sometimes the cost of our safety is a life given in service. Join us in saying thank you.
Local Stuff
Public Safety Training
Ten miles east of Lake City in Olustee, the Public Safety Training Center at Florida Gateway College is a hidden gem in North Florida. Every day, students begin at 7AM with physical training, followed by a full day of classroom and hands on training. Today, the center hosted a local homeschool group to introduce the students to law enforcement, fire and EMT training. We learned public safety is serious business, and we appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into training our first responders. We were also solemnly reminded that sometimes the cost of our safety is a life given in service. Join us in saying thank you.
Deer vs car
We are grateful that our personal lines agent, Susie Shedron, was not hurt this week when a deer ran in front of her car on Tustenugee Rd. Insurance will fix the car, but people are much harder to fix. This prompts us to remind everyone to “watch out”. The weather is cooling, and deer are on the move. Exercise the most caution in the early morning and early evening. Call us if you need to make sure you have the right coverage. (386) 752-8660
Trunk R Treat 2018
Trunk R Treat begins now. Come on down to Lake DeSoto for fun and sweet treats. Thank you Abbie and the Chamber of Commerce gang for organizing this event for the community. 3,000 kids in costumes are expected.
School Supplies
We are please to support teachers in Columbia County with a $1437 contribution to the Educators Emporium. Big thanks to our followers for sharing our $2 per share promotion. We know it is hard to teach effectively without a good supply of pencils, paper, scissors, markers and more. We wish our teachers and students a productive and joy filled school year.
chainsaw winner
Congratulations to our chainsaw winner
Cyndi Lauper sang “girls just want’a have fun.” We agree, and sometimes girls have fun with a chainsaw. Congratulations to our 2018 Hurricane Season Chainsaw Giveaway winner, Ms. Donna Bowen. We are encouraging homeowners to trim trees and limbs away from their homes before the summers windstorms begin. Donna is now equipped with a new Husqvarna 440 from Mikell’s Power Equipment to do the job at her house right. Follow us for future giveaways.