In Matthew 7, Jesus illustrated the consequences of choosing the foundation on which to build a house. The wiseman, who built his house on solid rock, withstood the rain, rising water and strong wind. The foolish man built his house on shifting sand, and it fell with a great crash. Of course, Jesus’ metaphor referred to putting His words into practice. The man who disregards Jesus’ words will fall with a great crash. Likewise, church organizations are built upon a variety of business foundations. Some are built upon solid rock; others are built upon shifting sand. Do your church’s business foundation, such as your bylaws, bookkeeping, policies, and procedures, resemble solid rock or shifting sand?
If you are a church leader, you are invited to join us for a lunch-n-learn to hear from legal, accounting and insurance professionals about building strong business foundations. You will enjoy a nice lunch and be able to network with other local church leaders.
When: Thursday, October 20th, 2022. 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Where: The Blanche Hotel, 212 N Marion Ave, Lake City, FL 32055
Presenters: Guy Norris, Attorney at Law, Norris & Norris, PA; Cammy Scott, Certified Public Accountant, Odom, Moses & Co, John Wheeler, Chartered Property & Casualty Underwriter, The Wheeler Agency,