This does not make sense, but sometimes, you can purchase higher limits on your auto insurance and lower your premium. It has to do with the insurance company being less likely to settle a lawsuit. In other words, when you have high limits, they will fight for you. This can save you money. Call us at 386-752-8660 to learn more.
Lake City News
Homeowner discount
Owning a home demonstrates responsibility. This can save you money on your auto insurance. Discounts for owning a home can save you $50 to $100. Call us at 386-752-8660 to learn more.
Start early to save money
Water damage is no fun
If your washer hose looks like this, serious water damage to your home could be around the corner. We recommend the hot and cold feed line to your washer be changed every three years. It is true that most homeowners insurance covers this type of water damage. However, you would be responsible for your deductible and must endure all kinds of hardship. Cost of new hoses and preventing unwelcome water damage is less than $20.00
Summer Watering Rules
Now that we are in Daylight Savings Time, Suwannee River Water Management District rules permit us to water our yard two times per week, but not during the hot part of the day between 10AM and 4PM. We adjusted our office auto timer today. We picked Sunday and Wednesday at 6AM. What days are you watering? Comment your answer.
Rebuilding Tips After the Storm
Last Saturday, a strong windstorm moved through Columbia County damaging a numerous homes and businesses. As our community recovers, this is a good time to be reminded of a few things that need to be done when using a contractor to rebuild or repair: 1) make sure your contractor is licensed, 2) make sure your contractor has both general liability insurance and workers compensation insurance, 3) make sure your agreements are in writing, 4) pay for work in installments (such as one third, one third, one third). Most of our local contractors are honest and do good work, but by doing the above, you are being business savvy and preventing potential problems.