Lake City News
2016 Calendars Are Here
Andy Andrews at FGC
The office gang went to Florida Gateway College Thursday night to see Andy Andrews. Andy does not refer to himself as a “motivational speaker”. He calls himself a Noticer. He notices the small things in life that he shares with us so we can live effective lives. Everyone loved it. Thank you Lake City Medical Center for bringing this terrific guy to town.
Your life on earth
When Ed & Priscilla Wheeler opened our doors in 1969, Neal Armstrong was taking his first step on the moon. Priscilla manually typed insurance policies. There were no computers and no internet. The insurance business was face to face. For us, insurance business is still face to face but my how the world has changed. If you wonder how much our world has changed, here is a very cool website that will illustrate your life in numbers since you were born.
Professor Tinkermeister says “Get a plan”
We ran into Professor Tinkermeister at the Florida Home-School Convention this summer. While we had fun creating tornadoes in Coke bottles and such, the professor really encouraged us to get a family disaster plan. We believe the entire family should be involved in the disaster planning process. The Florida Department of Emergency management sponsors a wonderful planning website for kids, Get A Plan. We encourage you to visit with your kids, and “get a plan”.
Tips for Sports Injury Prevention
Youth sports are now in full swing. An unfortunate injury, though, can derail the fun. We ran across several good tips from about preventing injury. Here are a few: take time off to rest, use the right gear, strengthen muscles, use good technique, stop when there is pain, and hydrate.
Wait a just a minute. These tips are good for us grown ups too. A sprained ankle or twisted knee is no fun for us either. Learn more >>