You’ve heard this before, that education helps you get paid more at work. But, did you know that there are auto insurance discounts for earning your high school diploma or a college degree. Call us at 386-752-8660 to learn more.
Serving Lake City Since 1969
By John Wheeler
You’ve heard this before, that education helps you get paid more at work. But, did you know that there are auto insurance discounts for earning your high school diploma or a college degree. Call us at 386-752-8660 to learn more.
Licensed General Lines Agent, Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) from American Institute. John Wheeler on google+
Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 12:00 & 1:00 - 5:00
The Wheeler Agency - 622 South West Main Blvd, Lake City FL, 32025-5708 | (386) 752-8660