Do you know where the nearest fire station to your home is located? We commend the Columbia County Fire Department for providing a very cool search tool to find the nearest station and hydrant from any address in Columbia County. While we know most of you do not think about fire protection on a daily basis, it is something we should all think about from time to time. The closer a fire station is to your home, the quicker the response time in case of a fire. You may also want to double check your homeowner insurance policy. If you are within 1,000 feet to the nearest hydrant, you may qualify for a discount with your insurance company. If your insurance policy shows protection class 3, 4 or 5, you are already receiving the discounted rate. If your policy shows protection class 4x or 9, you are not receiving the fire hydrant discount. Call us if you would like help locating a hydrant near you. 386-752-8660