A growing number of individuals are trying to profit from the claims process by convincing unsuspecting homeowners they need a new roof. Here is how it works. A person working for a roofing company rings your doorbell and says, “I can help you get a FREE roof”. Many times, these individuals target homes with roofs nearing the end of their life or an area that has experienced a recent hail storm. They perform a free inspection and determine that, what is often normal wear-and-tear, is actually hail damage. Furthermore, they encourage the homeowner to report a hail claim, often coaching the homeowner on what to say to the insurance company. You can
prevent this from happening to you.
- Beware of anyone who solicits you or tries to convince you they can get you something for free.
- Don’t sign contracts that you do not fully understand.
- Call you agent to discuss the potential claim.
This is important to you because insurance scams end up costing you more in the form of premium increases.