Your best chance for finding coverage from a quality insurance company is to talk with an independent agent. We will search for the best price. We will help you understand your coverage, and we will guide you through the claims process if you ever have an claim. Click a pin below to view quoting tips.
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Quoting Tips:
Getting a home quote is easy. The trick in Florida is getting approved. Below are a few tips to increase your chance of success.
Curb Appeal – underwriters like to see the yard mowed, shrubs trimmed, leaves removed from roof and mildew cleaned from siding and soffit.
Location – the exact location of your home is very important. Proximity to fire stations, hydrants and bodies of water are an important part of eligibility.
Updates – on older homes, insurance companies like to verify that the roof, electrical, plumbing and air conditioning system are in good working order and have been updated.
Discounts – there are substantial discounts for: age of home, shape of roof and presence of “wind mitigation” features.
Wind Mitigation – homes include such items as hurricane clips, secondary water barrier (roof) storm shutters, etc, are presumed to be easier to withstand windstorm damage. Substantial premium credits may be available if such features can be verified on your home.